Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sunday Afternoon Pizza!

Well today I was trying to use the leftovers from last night's dinner and repurpose it with whatever we had in the chicken + some onions + some homemade pizza dough = voila, lunch!
First, my little helper saw me get out the flour so he quickly pulled up a chair...

I was a little apprehensive of the domineering flavor whole wheat flour can give, so I added a packet of Splenda to sweeten it up a bit. Then I wondered, "does yeast like to artificial sweetners? Probably not" so I added a sprinkling of regular white sugar to give them something to feast on as they expand

kneaded it up and let it rise in a warm oven for about 40 min until it had tripled in size

then we just cranked the oven up to 475, rolled it out and went to town on what I could find in the fridge for toppings...
this one was for the kids - low-cal spag sauce with turkey pepperoni and mozz cheese

and THIS beauty was for Mommy and Daddy since the kids weren't feeling the whole bb-que chicken thing...

The good news? They all LOVED it. The not so good news? Todd says we're never ordering delivery again. Ooops.


abby jenkins said...

yummy yum yum! I was thinking the same thing yesterday, bought a couple rotisserie chickens to make chicken salad for a girls day garden lunch yesterday but it ended up snowing (fickle spring!) so now I have a ton of chicken. Tonight just might be pizza night, thanks!

Carrie (and Kevin!) Finnegan said...

That looks good! We like to grill pizzas in the summer time. The kids love assembling them. That reminds me, we need to get a grill!!