Saturday, March 26, 2011

Eli's 5th Birthday

Okay, if you're going to give in and have a birthday party at Chuck E Cheese, the ONLY way to go is to have it first thing in the morning at 9:30. Aside from a quiet family of four, we literally had the run of the place for the majority of the time we were there!

It was worth. every. penny. Eli had a blast, as did the other kids, and you could tell Eli felt very special. Mission accomplished! :)

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sunday Afternoon Pizza!

Well today I was trying to use the leftovers from last night's dinner and repurpose it with whatever we had in the chicken + some onions + some homemade pizza dough = voila, lunch!
First, my little helper saw me get out the flour so he quickly pulled up a chair...

I was a little apprehensive of the domineering flavor whole wheat flour can give, so I added a packet of Splenda to sweeten it up a bit. Then I wondered, "does yeast like to artificial sweetners? Probably not" so I added a sprinkling of regular white sugar to give them something to feast on as they expand

kneaded it up and let it rise in a warm oven for about 40 min until it had tripled in size

then we just cranked the oven up to 475, rolled it out and went to town on what I could find in the fridge for toppings...
this one was for the kids - low-cal spag sauce with turkey pepperoni and mozz cheese

and THIS beauty was for Mommy and Daddy since the kids weren't feeling the whole bb-que chicken thing...

The good news? They all LOVED it. The not so good news? Todd says we're never ordering delivery again. Ooops.