Monday, January 12, 2009

Well, I guess the next "biggest thing" that's happened since Eli was born was Ben being born. :) Benjamin David Zimmerman was born July 3rd, 2008. NO, mama could not hold out until the 4th...I thought I was going to die as it was. I'm not cool with epidurals not working on me. Anyway, he's a screamer and still doesn't sleep through the night, but boy he sure is a cutie. He's now grabbing my face with his cubby little out of control hands and laying big wet open mouth kisses on me. Love that kid.

Poor, old, forgotten blog site

Well, I came across our blog site that I started back in '06 while we were living in Louisville. The point was to come up with something that would keep everyone up to date during my pregnancy with Eli, but obviously I failed miserably. I never really figured this blogging thing out, and still really don't know what I'm doing. However, I'm going to give it another shot. A way to pretend I'm organized, at least online if not in reality.