Monday, December 21, 2009

Night Time Sledding!

Tonight the boys went out for one last impromptu sledding adventure in the back yard before the cold winter rain comes to wash it all away. It is cracking me up bundling Ben up from head to toe so he can go out and experience all of this too for the 1st time!

Saturday, November 07, 2009

Today we headed outside, first thing in the morning, to take advantage of the incredible fall weather we were given. All of us worked in the back yard on gathering up leaves, walnuts, and twigs that had fallen from the trees. Some went in to the trash, and most in to our back yard fire pit. We've already enjoyed several fires in the pit, and we only put it in about 3 or 4 weeks ago!
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Thursday, June 25, 2009

Back yard fun at Mimi and Papa's house

I know they'll forever have great memories of playing at Mimi and Papa's house, just like I do of my Grandma and Pop''s one example.

Monday, June 22, 2009


Duncan and Henry

At the sprinkler park with friends!

Saw the Loftins and my nephews Duncan and Henry

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Yikes! Tough 1st day at the pool this year for Joshie...

Monday, January 12, 2009

Well, I guess the next "biggest thing" that's happened since Eli was born was Ben being born. :) Benjamin David Zimmerman was born July 3rd, 2008. NO, mama could not hold out until the 4th...I thought I was going to die as it was. I'm not cool with epidurals not working on me. Anyway, he's a screamer and still doesn't sleep through the night, but boy he sure is a cutie. He's now grabbing my face with his cubby little out of control hands and laying big wet open mouth kisses on me. Love that kid.

Poor, old, forgotten blog site

Well, I came across our blog site that I started back in '06 while we were living in Louisville. The point was to come up with something that would keep everyone up to date during my pregnancy with Eli, but obviously I failed miserably. I never really figured this blogging thing out, and still really don't know what I'm doing. However, I'm going to give it another shot. A way to pretend I'm organized, at least online if not in reality.