For all those who have been wondering how much they ended up looking alike, here is Joshua at 6 days old, just about the same age as Eli is in these pictures...
April 1st, 2006 - just laughed at first joke. :)
April 1st, 2006
April 1st, 2006
April 1st, 2006
Duckie present from cousin Duncan
Joshua meets Eli
sending one at a time...
Baby Elijah has arrived! Monday 3/27 at 9:10am, 7lbs 13 oz & 21" long. What a blessing. :)
Friday, March 24, 2006
Josh at age 3
Just a group of pics of the family, before it becomes 1 memeber bigger.
what will it be? We'll know in less than a week now!
We found out Wednesday that the baby will be born by next week! Doctor decided to induce next Thursday 3/30, if we don't go in on our own before hand. Ahhh - finally, the light at the end of the this tunnel shrinking? :)